Threat caveat for the university and classrooms

THREAT HAS BEEN DETECTED! How bad was that? The message on my monitor concurrent with the screeching pig-like sound of my antivirus program warned me that a “threat” had been detected in my computer’s system. Abruptly, the initial screech was followed by several others. It said, “THREATS HAVE BEEN DETECTED!”

Oh Jesus, it seemed like the threat-populace in the computer system was rapidly increasing! Nevertheless, my security software can solve that. Prompting for action through a neutralize-button, the lucent red pop-up window appeared on the bottom-right side of the monitor saying, “YOU ARE ADVISED TO NEUTRALIZE THEM ALL!”

As I clicked the button, the load-bar started being filled up with emerald green linear graphs, which indicate the percentage of the action’s completion. Waiting for the entire bar to become emerald green, I thought of my ill-fated lot in life…

I’ve always been a dupe of these “threats”…

What’s a “threat” anyhow? Well, it is a malicious software performing processes in the computer that are not supposed to ensue. Just like stealing my clandestine files, trouncing data, annoying the user, and even causing the system to fail and be ruined. “Virus writers” are the criminals behind these “threats”.

Cursed are they for causing mishaps in my digital world!
On the other hand, to neutralize those “threats” means the security software will either disinfect or delete them. In short: Get rid of them.

However, it takes time to obliterate all those “threats”.

Oh my mind budged to other thoughts…


What did I think about? The continuation of this article in my column – Pen of the Cold Phoenix – at The Pioneer’s Fist Issue for the Academic Year 2008-09.

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