Spins in July

THIS JULY, MY SUPERIORS informed me that I have to transition from my current technical-writing-slash-subtle-marketing project for a U.S. client to a short-term proofreading-and-XML-tagging project for a Swiss client. I concurred.

We started with a three-hour training session on a late-night schedule. The following day the client sent an e-mail that required administrative stuff, and I responded promptly to certain requests—of course addressing my superiors, not the client, to avoid bypassing. A couple of days later, I was summoned for an ad hoc meeting in our conference room. When I arrived at the meeting room, I found two fellow technical writers, who would be working on the same short-term project too, talking with our U.S.-based project manager on the phone. The project manager was addressing one of them, offering him a position to become the head of our team. I heard a familiar name too. Thinking about you and your experience though you’re not yet a senior in this company but your experience… but Alchris too came stepping in to these tasks and seems comfortable with it… deciding who between the two—some of the unclear conversations I’d picked up when I came in to the room.