Laptop coolers

CHARACTERISTICALLY, MY LAPTOP HAS an exhaust fan. However, I can no longer auscultate the thud of the fan. It may not be functioning anymore, I thought. All exhaust fans in laptops malfunction anyhow.

The good thing is I bought a laptop cooler from CD-R King. Supposedly, I should have bought a model, which is only Php180.00. However, when I first saw it, I dithered in buying it. Then when I came back, it was gone. So I bought another model worth Php280.00 instead. The model I bought is LSY-69.

LSY-69 is made of acrylic. Its material is transparent; thus it looks more expensive, as if your computer is a Macintosh. It has two brackets, which serve as bases elevating the frontal part of the laptop towards you – it promotes easy viewing so the user may prevent “stiffed neck”.

One thing I just loathe about it is that its fan chafes with the underneath surface thus creating a noise. I wish they made it with four stands to elevate the entire device from the underneath….

Oh well… I must be thankful still -- My laptop lessens heating.


Conversing about laptop coolers, Apple – a classmate-turned-friend because of April, and a group mate in my Photojournalism class -- told me she’ll buy a cooler for her laptop. With what she said, I recalled that I recently visited CD-R King and found a new model of cooler.

It already has additional USB ports, so it wouldn’t be a difficulty for the user where to insert his flash drives.

That’s newfangled, I thought.

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