Uncertainty for my absence in OSCAS Night

THERE WILL BE LIGHTS flashing a prism-like brilliance. There will be emotions beating with the tempo of the dance. Tables shall be adorned with white linens and could, perhaps, also be festooned with balloons. I’ve always loved to attend parties like this one. But tonight, in our college night, I’m certain that I can’t make it; however, I’m uncertain of the reasons….

The OSCAS Night is the College night of the Arts and Sciences, the college where AB Mass Communication belongs. It is patterned with the theme, which is same as the Oscar Awards Night in Hollywood. (OSCAS = OS for Oscar and CAS for College of Arts and Sciences.)

I’m putative to attend to this. Pragmatically speaking, I should because it would be my last.

Conversely, I’ve just lost my interest to emerge from these prism-like brilliant lights, acting as if a nominee or even a winner of being a Best Actor.

It started with my assorted emotions. I love to simulate as if I don’t have clothes to wear. Yet the truth is that I just don’t want to. It’s not that I’m bitter about my life. It’s just that I feel like there is something wrong with my hair – it’s no longer terrific!

My skin, today, is also sebaceous; so it also adds infuriation to me. In a way, I feel like becoming parsimonious for a day; so I wouldn’t want to buy my clothes and other paraphernalia.

Nevertheless, I’m happy for Gypsy – it’s her birthday tomorrow. And tonight, she’ll treat the class for music and disco. (The last time I’ve entered a disco/music bar was when I was in Sophomore College. That’s almost long, long time ago... So, I feel sad for thinking that I no longer have my social life.

Because my emotions are just like hodgepodge, I can’t discern if which flavor affects my intestinal discomfort to my attendance.

Perhaps, I just need some time alone....

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