Pit bull Confessions

CANDIDLY, I CONFESS THAT I heard there’s an honest politician who hired a lawyer to help him deal with politics. The former, however, is unaware of this purulent veracity: His lawyer is corrupt. People already tried to topple his administration because of his lawyer; still, they failed. The admin is unflinching.

I, conversely, confess too that I know a smartalec professor who plays favoritism in class. He chooses his pet and prefers those who give him presents (”expected-surprise gifts” that would make him smirk). However, one of his student-pets is a backstabber – when the professor is out, the student becomes a dog, biting its master’s pillow. Also, the student never timely submits projects and asks the professor to extend the deadline. The professor can’t oppose.

There is a parallelism between the two.


What is the parallelism? Read my column now in The Pioneer Magazine....


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