BEHOLD THE LITERARY FOLIO of The Pioneer! It is titled “Sari-sari store ni Apung Barang” – a collection of short stories and poems classified within different chapters named as follow:
kendi, delata, sitsirya, and iskul suplays
How to have a copy? Well, there are several ways...
Enroll in Angeles University Foundation and either rollick or languish the consequences of studying in the said university – the pros and cons.
Or befriend an AUF student who will be philanthropic enough to give his/her copy of the folio to you, but anticipate he/she will scrutinize the way you look or dress or speak…
Or if you’re privileged, I might give you a copy if you contact me before stock runs out. My number? 09054102697.
Just a memento: Be prepared for the fee, which I will be asking for… *wink*
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