RECENTLY, A FRIEND OF mine saw a white particle in my hair strand. I don’t know what it is; however, it looks like a wax that had turned into a thread, which was spliced with a one of my ash-blond hair strands. As if it was formerly a non-living creature that acquired life by being a parasite, which scrounges the proteins in my hair.
Perhaps, this is the reason why I’m being stressed lately!
When April – the friend of mine who saw it – was trying to show it to me, she plucked the hair strand to the point that as if I was stung.
Conversely, after a second, the twinge was gone...
Fairly speaking now, my life has lesser onus.
CREDITS: The background (which is actually my bag), the insipidly fair hand, and the photo captured using a cell phone, as well as the cellphone used - all mine.
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