"People changing their Facebook profile pictures to their childhood cartoon characters could be more hazardous for children if done with a different psychological rationale…"

TODAY, DECEMBER 7, IS the back-to-normal day for Facebook users’ profile pictures. Heartbreaking videos about babies or children molested, beaten, and tossed around by their parents, uncles or aunts, stepfathers or stepmothers, or any relatives could have instigated the campaign against child abuse, which has been spread through different wall posts; thus conning Facebook users to change their profile pictures to cartoon characters until yesterday. Meanwhile, according to Facebook users who participated in this campaign, embracing the innocence of a child by putting their favorite cartoon character will, perhaps, raise awareness for child abuse and alleviate everybody’s heart. The focal point: stopping child abuse.
(And cartoon characters could help, right?)
Oftentimes, cartoon characters are associated with children because childhood is the peak of fondness to images that resemble such. Just like Coy-coy, my nephew, who stashes right to the computer once he sees such images. A child like my nephew cares nothing about the world but to play and be happy watching his favorite cartoon.
Conversely, the goal of Facebook users for posting cartoon characters as primary photos is valid. I just can’t exactly comprehend, however, how cartoon characters on profiles could help in impeding violence against children. Still, I respect this kind of movement since, I guess, it’s a strain of self-expression. And of course, we all have our own styles. Unless, the psychological rationale behind this is the fact that some people can’t just mature…
An adult could probably be abusing a child because of his own selfish reason. For instance, a stepfather harassing his nubile daughter could be driven by his own carnal craving. He cares nothing about the world—not about the child who has become his sexual object—but to play and be happy satisfying his sexual desires. Or basically, a mother whacking her son because he disturbs her from fixing her nails could be driven by her selfish reason of pandering her beauty regimen. She cares nothing about the world but to play and be happy satisfying her aesthetic needs.
Why not glance at the face of a child and recall that you were once a child too? Reminisce the time when you cared nothing about the world but to play and be happy watching your favorite cartoon. However, don’t linger on it; you should “grow.” This may help end your “ignorance” of the terrified, famished, and trodden expressions of an abused child, thus impeding the raid of their blamelessness right in the place they must call “home.”
Same is true with the greatest mistake some Christians commit: ignorance of the wisdom they believe in. Oftentimes, Christians tell a sort of biblical lessons, yet afterward, they ignore these teachings themselves. They care nothing about the “Word” but to play and be happy satisfying their worldly wants. But the solution is that, those Christians should mature.
This strain of awakening could be very intricate just like abducting a candy from a child addicted to it. But each time I see an adult abusing a child, each time I see a child abused by an adult, each time I see a Christian abusing the Word, and each time I hear a Word abused by a Christian, I realize that the “play-and-be-happy attitude” should never remain in us. Finally, I comprehend why some mindsets from our childhood should linger on us only momentarily.
As we grow older, then so as our attitudes too.
我喜歡。 非常好。
Pls update
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