STILL, THE PHOTOGRAPHS YOU see above diverge in a one-year time frame – 2007 and 2008 – taken with different circumstances but with similar sentiments that the model (who is actually the same person) was trying to portray during the “posing period”. (The first one was last 2007 while the second was 2008. Please see The 13 Ways to become an "Astonishing Mutant" in here to better understand what I'm trying to converse about.)
I, being the model in the photos, just found another way to become optimistic about life since the “fates” are being benevolent to me – though I suffer some consequences, I still benefit on several aspects of life!
Now, I want to share more secrets of how to divert the stress you have in your life. Here are some more superficial ways....
1.) As what I mentioned yesterday, use Yoko Herbal Cream for men. (Recently, the supply of Yoko in the market has been running out. Perhaps, more and more people are discovering this herbal cream…)
2.) Choose your contact lenses. If you are more complacent without them, then chuck them. (Last August, I purchased contact lenses from Vintage Vision. Originally, they were worth Php1 500.00; however, they were on-sale when I bought them so I got them for only Php750.00. Candidly, I’m not contented with them. Lenses from EO are still better…)
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